Friday, 7 May 2010

The girls done good.

I wasn't going to post today, because I'm covered in a very itchy rash, and typing is difficult when you can't sit still, and are constantly scratching, but the mafia have amazed me today, and I'm feeling very proud of them.
Twice today they have helped Ted. Pie was whining, which is something she never does, so I went to see what was wrong, and she was sitting sideways across the top of the stairs, blocking Tedmund Hillary (who'd scaled the gate) and made it to the summit of the staircase, from making a very painful, and undoubtedly expensive descent. Her ears were paying a very high price for preventing a determined boy from celebrating his greatest achievement to date, but she seemed to instinctively know how to keep him safe.
Once Tedmund was safely off the mountain, I chucked him out in the garden, to play with a ball. After a few minutes Madge came outside, so I threw the ball one last time for Ted, as I knew that would be the last look he'd get at the ball for a while. Madge needs rehab for her ball obsession, she really would sell her soul, and probably her good reputation, down a back alley with Jack, the ancient collie cross who lives down the road, to be the only dog in the world, allowed to play with balls. I threw the ball for boy, and it landed in a patch of stinging nettles. Ted ran after the ball, but stopped when he got to the stingers. They got him on the nose last week, and he learnt his lesson well. So Ted sat there all pathetic, while Madge strolled down the garden, walked twice round the stingers, and realised the gravity of the situation. I could hear her rusty cogs turning everso slowly, as she worked out what to do, then very carefully she stuck a front leg into the stinging nettles, pulled the ball towards her, picked it up in her mouth, and put it down in front of Ted!! Madge just doesn't do that. Balls belong to her, ALL of them. So yes, the girls done good, and if they can pass me the Piriton, dab on the calamine, and make the odd cup of coffee, there is hope for them graduating from the slow learners group.

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