Thursday, 29 April 2010

The early pup catches the bird.

Ted is obsessed with the top of the washing liquid bottle. It's a white plastic thing, with rubber in the middle, and he charges about the place with it in his mouth, looking like a kid with a dummy. He'd been playing with the dummy after breakfast this morning, so I didn't think too much at first, as he flew in from the garden with something in his mouth, until my pre-coffee brain registered that what he was carrying was brown, and not white. It had to be a fossilised cat turd, and I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to deal with removing that from his mouth at 7am, because I knew he wouldn't give it up without a fight, but I might as well get it over with now, or pay the squitty price later on. Into the sitting room I went, trying very hard to control my gag reflex, because I really don't cope well with cat crap, to be greeted by Ted, with a full grown, very much alive, male sparrow, being held in his mouth. No idea why I asked him "what have you got there?", when it was very obvious what it was, but I did, and I think it was more relief that I wasn't going to have to pry something out of his mouth that had come from the rear end of a cat than anything. How do I get him to drop it? I can't just pull it, and no way is this smug Spinone pup going to relinquish the prize that has finally set his little paws on the first rung of the ladder to Don status, so I grabbed his pink dolly (who he hadn't seen for almost 24 hours, due to her having major abdominal surgery) and he put Mr Sparrow down, then grabbed hold of dolly, and loved her like a sailor who'd been at sea for six months. Mr Sparrow was completely unharmed, and hopped up onto the window, waited for me to open it, then flew straight out, with me yelling at him to buy a Lottery ticket.


  1. You are absolutely brilliant, your posts have me in stitches!! So glad Ted's settled in and I wish you many, many years of pleasure (and more blog posts please) with him and his mafia!
    Hel x

  2. Thank you very much :O)Do you have any idea when I might expect the many, many years of pleasure to start? Because right now, the many, many years just sounds like a terrible miscarriage of justice :O)
